Drug Possession in Texas
Retain a Proven Irving Drug Crime Defense Lawyer
Have you been charged with drug possession? If so, the time to speak with experienced and aggressive representation is now. While other states are considering or enacting drug law reform, the possession of controlled dangerous substances is still considered a serious crime in the state of Texas. Capable counsel is needed in these cases to counter the prosecution's assertions and ensure that accused gets every consideration afforded to them under our criminal justice system.
At J. Roland Jeter, P.C., Attorney Jeter has been protecting the rights of the accused for nearly four decades. In that time, he has helped countless accused navigate the allegations against them and secured favorable outcomes on their behalf. As a former prosecutor, he knows what disadvantages those accused of these crimes face and is well-versed in advocating for a swift and just resolution to their case.
If you've been accused of drug possession, do not hesitate to start defending your future. Contact the firm today.
Texas Drug Possession Law
There is no one blanket drug possession law in the Texas statutes and each one of these possession cases must be considered on a case-by-case basis. That means the severity of the drug possession charge can vary on a number of different factors.
Important factors in a drug possession charge include:
- The type of drug involved
- The quantity of drug involved
- The kind of possession cited at the arrest (actual vs. constructive)
- The presence of firearms or paraphernalia
- The criminal history of the accused
Many times, drug possession cases are vulnerable to search and seizure violations by law enforcement, which can lead to a dismissal. However, no matter what the circumstances of your arrest were, it takes skilled and trusted counsel to arrive at the best possible resolution. If you have been charged, call J. Roland Jeter, P.C. today.
Start your defense now by requesting a consultation.